Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Word List

The words in this list are arranged alphabetically by word according to their root forms, e.g. berbicara appears under bicara; memegang under pegang; kelihatan under lihat; penangis under tangis.
Remember that the prefixs are:
Ter-                             and its sound changes
Compound words and expressions using the root immediately follow the root; affixed forms are then in alphabetical order, e.g. alam, alam pikiran, berpengalaman, mengalami, pengalaman.
Alternative (and often more common) forms of some root words are given in parentheses after the root. These alternative forms are not listed separately, e.g. hiba (iba).
An= sign at the end of an entry indicates a cross reference.
e.g. mantu,  son-, daughter-in-low = menantu
the following abbreviations have been used: e.o. each other; n (noun) ; o’s (one’s); o.s. (oneself); s.o. (someone); s.o.’s (someone’s); s.t. (something).

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