Pribahasa (Proverbs)
1. Titian biasa lapuk,
janji biasa mungkir.
Titian is a footbridge, commonly a
weather-worn tree trunk laid across a stream.
Lapuk : rotten, rott(of wood)
Mungkir/memungkiri janji : to break/disavow a promise.
A footbridge is often decayed, and a promise is often disavowed. In
other words, it is an everyday thing for a ‘titian’ to be ‘lapuk’ and for a
promise to be disavowed.
In Indonesia this saying : “Titian biasa lapuk, janji biasa mungkir” is
often used jocularly as a comment on a promise not kept.
2. Masuk
kandang kerbau melenguh dan masuk kandang kambing mengembik.
Melenguh means to low and mengembik mens to bleat.
Literally the meaning of this saying is:
In the buffalo stall one should low, and in the goat stall one should
An approximate English equivalent is: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3. Berat sama
dipikul ringan sama dijinjing.
Do everything together, whether difficult or easy (heavy or light);
Memikul : to carry,
s.t. on the shoulders, to shoulder, to bear.
Menjinjing : to carry,
s.t. light dangling in one’s hand.
4. Betapa berat
mata memandang, berat juga bahu memikul.
No matter how hard it is for the person who sees misfortune, it is
harder still for the one who endures it.
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